Corenia Murphy, LMHC

Corenia Murphy, LMHC


My name is Corenia Murphy, I am a mental health clinician who specializes in relationship, intimacy and sexual therapy for individuals and partners.

When we meet you will find that I approach therapy with compassion and a heart for learning. While I have studied to specialize in relationships and sexuality, I approach each relationship as unique.  My goal is to help demystify relationships, sex and intimacy by talking about things that people don’t normally. Clients often come worried that they are broken in some way. My joy is helping them to face that fear with empathy and courage.


  • Emotional discomfort with sex

  • Feelings of worry regarding sexual function “Am I normal?”

  • Concerns related to desire and arousal

  • Pain during sex – (Endometriosis, Vaginismus, and other Pelvic Pain experiences)

  • Sexual side effects of medication, illness, or emotional stress

  • Sexuality identity concerns and exploration

  • Spirituality and sexual narratives “Is it okay to feel sexual?”

  • Sexuality and fertility barriers  

  • Concerns related to sex and life transitions (commitment, pregnancy, children, menopause, illness)

  • Concern about pornography use

  • Processing non-consensual sex and sexual assault

  • Processing childhood or past sexual abuse


  • Relational disconnection  

  • Managing Conflict

  • Life transitions: Commitment, Growing a family, and Illness.

  • Intimacy and Sexual connections

  • Fertility barriers

If you are interested in sex and relationship therapy, but are feeling uncertain or if you have any questions before making an appointment, do not hesitate to email or call.

Thank you for stopping by.